Wednesday, February 15, 2012

MOUSE! Haircut too!

Okay so when we got home tonight our cat Willow was acting really weird........ she was trying to go behind our hutch in our Kitchen. So Sydney and I were looking back there and Sydney saw Mouse poop..... so we thought there was a mouse. Then I did some school and my Dad saw Willow acting super weird but this time near the Fridge. So he pulled back the fridge and willow ran back there and pranced back out. This time she had the mouse......... so we ran after her got the mouse, he was still alive and took him outside. Now my Mom is freaking out. We bought our Cats some toy mice the have catnip in them and my Mom saw it after we found the mouse and almost had a heart attack.

Sorry but I didn't get a picture of it because my mom couldn't stand the sight of it. 

I do have pretty AWESOME news though..... DRUM ROLL....
I got BA..BA.. BANGS!! 


  1. Yay!!!!!! I've been wanting you to get bangs for a while now...and they look awesome! I can't wait to see them in person!
    Sorry about the mouse, I would have had a heart attack if I was at your house when that all happened!

    Your Friend,

  2. Yeah! I am super excited about it!! My mom freaked I thought it was cool!!
    Love Ya,


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