Saturday, March 19, 2011


Well today I had the Awana games and well I just don't want to brag but I must!!!
Liberty Bapist Church Spring Lake ,NC won by 10 points!!!
The funny thing is the Sparkies won the 3rd and 4th graders boys and girls won and 5th and 6th boys and girls won!!!!
It was the first time our eam has won ever sence my friend was a Sparkie and now she is in 6th grade!!!!
Chelsey also got home last night!!!
She brought her HAMOCK!!!
So Olivia, Chelsey and my Dad have one!!!!
Hugs and Blessings Always,
Shelby Lynn Rogers!!


  1. That's awesome Shelby so glad she's back tell her I love her see you later bye.=)

    XOXOXO Hanna Lorraine Boyer

  2. I might teach Awana at Berean when Gabriel is old enough ;)

  3. I will Hanna!!
    Sarah thats awesome!!
    This was my last year but it was so much fun!!


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